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Happy Earth Day, and B-Earth Day to GreenerGoods

Happy Earth Day, and Happy B-Earth Day to GreenerGoods! We set out to launch on a day that represents what we stand for as a company—working toward a more earth-friendly future, and doing right by the planet.

We all know the climate anxiety-inducing facts and figures—facts and figures that seem much too large and much too daunting for an individual to tackle on their own. We’re forming a climate-conscious community that believes in the power of collective ambition to 1. hold entities accountable for their environmental impact, and 2. move the needle towards sustainable change. After all, companies make decisions based on consumer choices—GreenerGoods is doing one better by uplifting consumer voices.


Our site launch is a huge milestone, but is only one step in our bigger journey.


  1. We will continue to add more companies to our database based on user requests and feedback.

  2. We will improve and optimize site functionality.

  3. We will build out our content library to provide more educational resources for our community to stay informed.

  4. We will expand our community by focusing our efforts on member acquisition and retention.


We have many big ideas for the future.


  1. How companies can engage with and respond to our community’s feedback

  2. Improving rating capabilities, including the introduction of star ratings along multiple sustainable criteria, as well as the ability for community members to upvote and respond to feedback

  3. Expanding our database to include other industries

Thank you for being here for Version 1 of the site. We’re excited to start working towards the greener good, together.



Thank you to Mom and Dad for being sage and supportive sounding boards.

Thank you to my brother, the coding connoisseur, for the tech support.

Thank you to Brooke and Victoria, for celebrating with me throughout the journey.

And thank you to Zack for kickstarting my sustainability love many moons ago.

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